
      Sierra is born from the desire lightly. From realisation there is no plan b for our planet. Let’s make a change. Let’s climb in a different way. Let’s consume in a different way. 

      Sierra is designed by climbers for climbers. Under a prism of minimalist consumption and taking care of all the details that a climber needs.

      A collection of unique, handmade chalk bags and boulder buckets made from recycled fabrics. What more is they to know. Great designs, amazing shapes and goof looking fabrics.

      From the industrial colonies to the present day. Catalonia becomes one of the textile engines of the world. The holography of the territory. The short distance between the Pyrenees and the sea and the power of the rivers give meaning to the birth of the textile industrial colonies on the banks of the rivers. So why a company like Sierra was born in Catalonia makes a lot of sense, since the area has more than 150 years of textile industrial history.

      43 products